Laser Treatment for acne is the fastest way to deal with hyper pigmentation and scars left by acne as it gets over, and at the same time, this treatment proves beneficial in inflammatory acne as well.
It is a bloodless procedure to cure acne scars, so the people who feel weird with blood should go for this procedure.
How it works is that laser heats up haemoglobin inside the blood capillaries and removes scars and pigmentation from the skin.
While the blood vessels heat up, they deprive the upper layers of skin from oxygen and nutrients, resulting in their shedding and getting replaced with new and healthier skin.
The laser treatment is directly proportional to the skin colour, the darker it is, the lesser it will work.
This treatment is directly proportional to skin sensitivity as well, the more sensitive skin is, less successful this treatment will be.
Laser treatment surely cures acne scars and pigmentations, but not completely to 100%. Patients are required to have a couple of sessions/sittings to get rid of most of the scars and pigmentations. A patient taking good care of the skin can have better results with the laser treatment.
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